Buying Travel Insurance? A Guide to Buying Travel Insurance
A Guide to Buying and Using Travel Insurance: Learn from my mistakes! Find out why travel insurance is necessary ; where you can get appropriate, but affordable coverage; what to consider; and what you should do with it. Is Travel Insurance Really Necessary? Travel is already expensive enough, isn't it? The cost of air fare, cruises, hotels, ground transportation, food and activities and entertainment are already high enough. I don't know about you, but I work hard for my money, and when I travel, I want to keep as much of my money in MY pocket as possible. Is travel insurance a necessity or a luxury? Why not cut a few corners here and there. Why buy something if it’s not really needed? My personal answer is, of course, that I am not independently wealthy and can’t withstand the potential financial losses if I require medical care while I’m traveling. Not being independently wealthy also means that I'm in the market for adequate but cheap travel insuranc...